一人之辩,重于九鼎之宝;三寸之舌,强于百万之师|国际高中成功举行Junior TED 演讲活动
[ 发布时间 ] 2023年05月22日    [ 点击次数 ] 7166

   公共演讲至关重要它可以寻求共鸣,激发热情,激励人们,改变他们对世界的认知,给予大家力量与启迪。作为南师附中江宁分校国际高中学子,走出国门之时,必将面临许许多多需要演讲的场合。为了给国际高中学子提供演讲的平台,表达在自己观点的机会,国际高中于5月18日举办了Junior TED 的演讲活动。


Speech-making is such an important part of our daily life in that a good speech can connect with , ignite and inspire people, changing their view of the world, and providing them with much encouragement and enlightenment. As students of High School Affiliated to Nanjing Normal University Jiangning Campus (Abbreviated as NSFZ Jiangning Campus hereinafter), we definitely will encounter many occasions that require us to make a speech. To give the platform of speaking and expressing our ideas, the International Department held annual Junior TED speech event on May 18th.




  Junior TED 演讲活动源自于美国著名TED演讲活动。它代表着无限的可能,代表着智慧的碰撞与启迪。此次演讲活动每人限时6分钟,主题自定,要求发言流利,做到有效传达信息,展示观点和思想,并鼓励听众行动,中英文皆可。下面让我们来一睹参赛选手们的风采。

Junior TED is adapted from American famous event TED, which represents infinite possibilities and collisions and inspiration of wisdom. One is supposed to choose a topic and fluently express it within 6 minutes and at the same time elaborate opinions efficiently and encourage audiences to take actions. The speech language can be either Chinese or English. Now Let’s have a look at the wonderful performance of participants.



【主持人照片|主持人:杨星漫 钟子承


The first to address is Tommy Zhang (Yutao Zhang) from Class 1, Grade 10 Sino-Australian program. A lot of people wish to travel to the North or South Pole to admire the aurora and accompany the brilliant sparkling starry sky. Observing the galaxy is only a typical night watch, a part of astronomy, Tommy Zhang, however,brings us to another mysterious and interesting world of astronomy: Solar Physics.



  第二位上台演讲的同学是来自高一中英2班的陈玥希同学。懂得自我欣赏是种能力与天分,对自己要坦诚相待,学会自我欣赏自我肯定。记住,美丽的心灵要比美丽的皮囊重要的多,也持久的多。这个世界充满了傲慢与偏见,愿你在此却保留对自我的清醒认知。不要盲目追求物质需求,也不要过于炫耀自己不存在的财富。不要如拼单名媛一样,而是要称为Shero (She + Hero)!

The next is Clair Chen (Yuexi Chen) from Class 2, Grade 10 Sino-British program. Knowing how to appreciate ourselves is an ability and talent. We have to face ourselves honestly, learn to self-appreciate and self-acknowledge. Remember, a fascinating soul is much more fundamental and durable than a beautiful skin. In a world full of prejudice and biases, each of us should remain a clear understanding of who we are. Don’t blindly pursue a rich material life or show off fortunate that doesn’t exist. Sharing-bill ladies are not the route to success. Instead, being a Shero (She + Hero) is!

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The third to make a speech is Terrence Xiao (Zhiyi Xiao) from Grade 10 Sino-America Class. It is universally acknowledged that Nature is the best masterpiece of the world. We have to protect it, be someone who cares about it, and who really does something. We not only need to improve our consciousness of preserving the Earth, but also need to know how to protect our home: prevent white pollution, and be the guardian. Let’s get started!




The next to present is Nadia Li (Yutong Li) from Grade 10 Sino-America Class. Gaming has penetrated deep into modern teenagers’ lives, no matter whether high pace and time-consuming MOBA games or role-playing games involving high sympathetic. We can’t define whether liking a game is good or bad, but understanding the psychological mechanism behind playing games and knowing ourselves in-depth are also a significant meaning of learning Psychology.



  接下来上台的是来自高一中美班的张睿恒同学。睡眠, 是所有生物体必不可少的一个生理过程,没有人是可以规避掉他的。我们在睡眠上花费了大量的时间,在睡眠中亦是发生了许许多多的奇特的过程。包括但不限于降低压力,提高记忆力,合成蛋白质,肌肉修复等。作为学生(13-18岁)一天需要8-9小时的睡眠而成年人至少需要7小时以上的睡眠。

The next to have a speech is Raymond Zhang (Ruiheng Zhang) from Grade 10 Sino-America Class. Sleep is an essential and fundamental process that all organisms cannot avoid. We spend a great deal of time sleeping, during which many processes occur at the same time, including reducing pressure, synthesizing protein, repairing muscles etc. As students, between 13 and 18 years old, we require an 8-to-9-hour sleep per 24 hours and adults need 7 or more sleeping time a night.





Shakespeare once said: “He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils; for time is the greatest innovator.” Next, Emily Sun (Xu Sun) from Grade 10 Sino-America class made a speech about using time efficiently. In our daily lives, there are many fragmented times, but how much do we utilize? Does time leak through your fingers and you regret it after it is exhausted? Instead of using APPs like Douyin, Xiaohongshu, we should use our fragmented time to read a book or to learn some English words. Therefore, our time is used much more meaningfully.




What are Fangirls? What features do they have? Stella Sun (Chang Sun) from Grade 10 Sino-America class answers these questions. Do you have a group of girls like this: Their blood is always burning, and they always believe that their love will be returned. These girls are usually seen as “Insane” “Crazy”. Nevertheless, when a boy roars for his favorite athlete, everything seems to be normal. So, Fangirls have to use their own superpower to defeat these prejudices!



  容貌焦虑流行于当代的人,尤其是在网络如此发达的时代,小红书、抖音、B站等程序上有着各种或是通过P图,或是凭借真实实力的高颜值之人,这进一步加深了容貌焦虑。来自高一中美班的易恋同学呼吁全体学生拒绝容貌焦虑。 每个人都有各自的特点,世界之所以美丽就是因为存在差异。在不同的时代就有不同的审美风格,要自信,不必焦虑。

Appearance Anxiety is popular in modern people, especially in an era when the Internet is highly developed. Applications like Xiaohongshu, Douyin, Bilibili include a great amount of, either modified by Photoshop or real, beautiful human faces, which deepen appearance anxiety. Elaine Yi (Lian Yi) from Grade Sino-America class vocalizes students to say “NO” to appearance anxiety. Everyone has unique personalities; the world is beautiful because of differences In different times, different criteria of beauty exist, so be confident and  kick off appearance anxiety.




Hugo once said: "Whoever wastes his time, his youth will fade." Paul Wang (Jiachen Wang) from Class 1, Grade 10 Sino-Australian program made a presentation about Youth. Youth is used to endeavor, not to waste. We keep our dreams, utilize time and forge ahead with perseverance! Youth is a topic that will never fade. When we are old, recollecting our youth still makes us smile. Since now we are in this golden period, make full use of it! Go to be the wind that is not restrained, and go to be the youth that is not defined!




Feminism is an eternal topic. Eva Qi (Xuanxuan Qi) from Class 2Grade 10 Sino-British program started with what she saw when traveling in a poverty country. She believes girls shouldn’t be defined. Girls can be what they what to be. We should be brave to be ourselves and emit bright light. Don’t be afraid of rumors and others’ abnormal eyesight. The first step is the biggest success. Remember, anyone can be anything.



  什么是幸福?相信每个人都有自己独特的见解。来自高一中澳1班的王一诺同学讲明了她对幸福的理解。最直观地来说幸福就是我们可以感知快乐。感知快乐就是感受、创造和分享幸福的能力。结合著名人文心理学家马斯洛的需求金字塔和六大衡量幸福指数的因素,阐明幸福的真谛。其实幸福看似是 “有”: 有房、有车、有钱、有权,其实是“无”:无忧、无虑、无病、无灾。

What is happiness? Everyone has a unique understanding about this. Flora Wang (Yinuo Wang) talked about her understanding about happiness. Basically, happiness is the ability to feel joy. Perceiving joy is the ability to feel, create and share happiness. Combining with famous Humanistic Psychologist Maslow’s hierarchy of need and the six factors of happiness, Flora indicated the truth about happiness. In fact, happiness is not just “owning”, owning money, house, car, or power. Instead, it actually is “no”, no sadness, worries, diseases, or disasters.




没有人是天生的演说家,当众讲话是一种能力,多加练习才会让自己越来越自信,让演讲更加自然流畅。不论身处还是国,演讲是一个必备的技能。Junior Ted 给同学们提供了这样一个平台能够锻炼演讲水平,跳出自己的舒适圈并将自己的观点说给别人听。迈上舞台便是成功的最重要一步。

Nobody is a born speaker; it is a capability to speak in public. Practice will make us more confident and fluent. Be it abroad or at home, speaking is important. Junior Ted provides a platform to enhance our ability and helps us leap out of our comfort zone. Standing on stage is the first step to success.